Board of Directors
The Board of Directors was assembled by IAIP’s founder Malik Badri and are the founding members of the association. They constitute the senior leadership of the organization and are responsible for overseeing the content and direction of the organization’s development as guided by the IAIP vision and mission.

Malik Badri
Founder and President
Professor Dr. Malik Badri obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Leicester, England in 1961 and his Postgraduate Certificate of Clinical Psychology from the Academic Department of Psychiatry of the Middlesex Hospital Medical School of London University in 1966. He was elected Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 1977 and holds the title of Chartered Psychologist, C.Psychol. In recognition to his contributions in his field he was awarded an honorary D.Sc. from Ahfad University and in 2003 was decorated by the President of Sudan with the medal of Shahid Zubair, the highest award for academic excellence. Professor Badri is the founder of the modern field of Islamic Psychology and has written many influential books, including The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists, which revolutionized and defined the field.

Abdallah Rothman
Executive Director
Dr. Abdallah Rothman obtained his M.A. in Psychology from Antioch University and his PhD in Psychology from Kingston University London. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC) with 15 years experience as a practicing counseling psychologist. Abdallah was an adjunct faculty member at George Washington University and he established Shifaa Integrative Counseling, a private practice offering Islamically integrated psychotherapy to the Muslim community in Washington DC. Abdallah’s clinical practice as well as his academic research focus on approaching counseling from within an Islamic paradigm; and establishing an indigenous Islamic theoretical orientation to human psychology that is grounded in the knowledge of the soul from the Islamic tradition. His research in this area contributes to the theoretical foundations of IAIP’s education and training programs.

Elham Abubaker
Senior Director
Dr. Elham Abubaker received her PhD in psychology from King Abullah University in 2002. She is a practicing psychologist with over thirty year’s experience treating clients with Islamic psychotherapy and has complied the largest body of documented case notes in the field of applied Islamic psychology. Her research on the psychology of Imam al Ghazzali was one of the first to identify the significant relevance of application to treatment models for modern psychology. Dr. Elham’s work in the development of indigenous Islamic treatment methods has been recognized by the royal family in Saudi Arabia and she has earned several awards for her innovative clinical approaches. Dr. Elham oversees aspects of the association that relate to clinical practice and Islamic theory.

Rasjid Skinner
Senior Director
Professor Abdur Rasjid Skinner took Double Honours in Anthropology and Psychology from the University of Durham, and an M.Sc. in Abnormal Psychology from Q.U.B.. He is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and trained Jungian Analyst. He held a Consultant position at Lynfield Mount Hospital Bradford, and was visiting lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Leeds and Sheffield Universities. Professor Skinner now works with Ihsaan, a Bradford based clinic that offers Islamically-based psychological therapies. He is a lecturer at the Cambridge Muslim College in the United Kingdom where he oversees and teaches the IAIP certified course titled Islamic Psychology and Islamic Psychotherapy. Abdur Rasjid is a visiting professor in clinical psychology to the University of Karachi in Pakistan and is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute. He is the author of several influential papers and has been an important contributor and pioneer in the field.