Cambridge Certificate Two Course
Islamic Psychology in Practice:
Clinical Applications of Islamic Psychotherapy
April 14-19, 2019
*hover to see name *click to see bio

Program Description
This five-day programme is the IAIP accredited level two certificate course for those who have completed either the CMC intro course “Islamic Approaches to Psychology and Psychotherapy” or another IAIP Certificate One course. This experiential training course goes beyond introduction to theory and concepts and contextualizes frameworks of Islamic Psychology within the therapeutic encounter. The course is designed for Western-trained mental health professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors to re-orient their clinical practice to be more aligned with an Islamic paradigm of health and healing and to be introduced to clinical applications. Participants will learn how to include the soul in assessment and diagnosis and to use the Islamic conception of ‘diseases of the heart’ as a practical, clinical model. Those successfully completing the programme will be given a Certificate of Achievement on Practical Applications of Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy. This Certificate Two is jointly accredited by CMC and IAIP and can be applied toward the path of becoming an IAIP certified Clinician.
Sessions will take place at Cambridge Muslim College.

Program Objectives
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
• Identify clinical implications of Islamic models of the self.
• Describe the fundamentals of assessing and diagnosing diseases of the heart.
• Describe the therapeutic impact of the state of the therapists own heart.
• Identify a range of interventions for each level of the soul (nafs, qalb, aql, ruh).
• Identify a range of therapeutic techniques for removing blocks on the spiritual heart.
• Recognise the distinction between spirit possession and black magic and spiritual bypassing.
• Describe ways of integrating useful Western techniques with Islamically based concepts.
• Apply Islamic psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment using case studies and role play.

Program Details:
40 hours of lectures by:
Professor Rasjid Skinner
Elham Abubakr
Abdallah Rothman
Tuition fee including room and board
*Course registration and booking is managed by Cambridge Muslim College: www.cambridgemuslimcollege.ac.uk