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Islamabad Certificate One Course

Islamic Approaches to Psychology

and Psychotherapy

January 26-30, 2019

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Islamabad, Pakistan

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*hover to see name    *click to see bio


Program Description

This five-day programme introduces conventionally-trained mental health professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, researchers and counsellors to the philosophy and methodology of psychology from an Islamic perspective. The course will present a faith-based theoretical understanding of mental health as well as suggesting practical ways of working with mentally distressed individuals. Those successfully completing the programme will be given a Certificate of Completion on Islamic Approaches to Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Program Objectives

By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
● Distinguish culturally relative factors from universal factors in Western psychology.
● Identify and describe Islamic models of the self.
● Describe the therapeutic relationship from an Islamic perspective.
● Identify therapeutic aims and objectives of Islamic psychology/counselling.
● Identify a range of Islamic perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

● Recognise the role of spirit possession and black magic with Muslim clients.

● Describe Western approaches to therapy and their applicability to Muslims.
● Apply Islamic psychological principles in diagnosis and treatment using case studies.

Program Details:

Lectures and small group case study discussions led by:
Professor Rasjid Skinner
Professor Abdallah Rothman

IAIP Member registration fee: $350

Non member registration fee: $500

(become a member here)

*fee is for registration only and does not include room and board. For more info on local logistics and to book local accommodation, please contact Mr. Basharat Hussaini from the host university at


For more info on course content please contact

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Program Structure

Day 1: The History and Philosophy of Western Psychology

  • Introduction

  • Origins of Psychology as a Discipline

  • Western Influence on Psychology as a Secular ‘Science’

  • The Cultural Niche of Western Psychology



Day 2: Defining Islamic Psychology

  • Differentiating between Islamic and Western psychology

  • The Islamic Paradigm/Worldview

  • The Role of Qur’an and Sunnah in guiding Muslims

  • Classical Sources of Islamic Psychology

  • Types of Approaches to Islamic Psychology

  • Why Islamic Psychologies Now?


Day 3: An Islamic Model of the Self​

  • Key Constituents of the Model 

  • Dynamics of the Model in Applied Psychology

  • An Islamic understanding of mental health and ill health

  • Diagnosis: Distinguishing between different states 

Day 4: Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Therapeutic Principles

  • Therapeutic Issues

  • Role of the Therapist

  • Practical Clinical Applications of Islamic Approaches

  • Clinical Case Studies

Day 5: The Useful and the Toxic in Western Psychotherapy

  • Comparison of Western theories with Islamic model

  • Clinical Case Studies

  • Synthesis of Learning & Next Steps

  • Presentation of Certificates

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